Digital Transformation Executed Trust in Security and E-Privacy Reestablished

Cyber Security and Risk Advisory
Are you looking for a trusted advisor to help you significantly improve your Cyber Defense?
Good “Cyber Defense” does not cost money, it pays off!
We provide independent “Cyber Risk and Resilience” research services for CxO’s and Board of Directors to help them gain in depth insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the “Cyber Health” of their organization
In order to effectively and efficiently manage cyber risks, a company should at least define strategic, operational, reporting and compliance objectives. We help you with identify internal and external events that have the potential to effect your organization’s operations by analyzing the workflows and processes and listing risks and causes, the extent of risks that is faced and the impact of identified risks on company’s operations.
We serve federal governments and large enterprises to build effective and efficient Cyber Defense programs. We help them with strengthening the Human and Digital Network of their organizations against evolving Cyber Threats.

Cyber Resilience 360
Cyber Resilience 360 is a full spectrum cyber vulnerability assessment of your organization, which can help you to effectively define, measure and improve Cyber Resilience Capability of your Organization
European Cyber Resilience Research Network (ECRRN) is your trusted partner in protecting and strengthening the “Human and Digital Network” of your organization against Cyber Threats by helping your organization with Defining, Measuring and Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its Cyber Security Strategy.
Keywords: Cyber Security Strategy and Risk Management, Threat Intelligence, Cyber Data Science, IoT, Smart Data, Smart Cities, Cognitive Profiling, Social Engineering, Phishing, Security Education Training and Awareness.

Phishing Awareness
Why is Phishing Awareness important for your organization?
Phishing attacks have become one of the major threats to the IT systems of enterprises. Phishing is one of the success factors of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). According to Gartner, 3.6 million clients in the U.S. alone had lost capital due to phishing attacks. The losses reached up to approximately U.S. 3.2 billion per annual. Fortunately every year enterprises invest billions of dollars in enhancing their Cyber Security.
Our Security Education Training and Awareness solutions supports organizations in improving their resilience against “phishing attacks” by emphasizing psychological and cognitive factors of their employees.
For more information please visit our website at

Cyber Security Workshops
We want to make people and organizations aware of the importance of Cyber Security and what kind of impact it has on society. Our key goal is to share knowledge and work together in building a cyber resilient Europe.
Our workshops feature world-renowned experts from academia, industry, and government and enable participants to discuss hard problems in Cyber Security, exchange knowledge, learn more about current research and more. Our workshops are open for représentants of (inter)national governments, governmental bodies, industry and research institutes and media, although pre-event registration and screening are obligatory.
The events also provide great networking opportunities and help unite relevant industry stakeholders and researchers from different fields, knowledge-users, as well as professionals from the public and private sectors.
Please contact us when you would like to co-organize an event or a workshop.
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About Us
ECRRN provides “Full Spectrum” Cyber Security services and Security Education Training and Awareness solutions to strengthen the “Human and Digital Network” of your organisation for the next era of Digital Transformation, Defense and Security challenges.